Join our tour guide courses - its life changing! We run monthly, 3-week tour guide courses, at our Academy Cathsseta Tour Guide Courses at no. 7 Glen Avon, Pinelands. The courses usually start on the 1st Monday of each month. The classes are kept small to ensure individual attention. We don’t do placements after the training as this is a freelance career.
However, we do assist you and guide you. I do recommend companies and give you the contact person and guide you as to what they will be looking for. You still have to show your skill.
The cost of the course is R6600. If you would like to extend your guiding area to include the Garden Route/Western Cape, it will be an additional R500. Should you wish to do more provinces, the cost is R500 per provinces.
.You can pay for the course in full upfront. If so, then we will give you a 5% discount. Banking details on request.
If would like to pay the course fees off in installments, the payment structure is as follows:
R3600 deposit
R3000 before assessments
Please send confirmation/proof of payment to book your place. The course material, practical training, stationary, beverages during theoretical training, and entrance fees during practical training is included.
All tour guides are required to do a first-aid course (independently) to register as a guide. This can be done before the course. You will need a level 1 certificate to register once you have completed the course.
I also suggest that you apply for your pdp drivers permit if you want to be a driver guide in the future. On successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of competence from our academy and a Cathsseta certificate. Your certificate will be presented to you at the graduation ceremony
With these certificates, you will be able to register to become a cultural site tourist guide. Contact Us today and let your adventure begin!
Days and times of the set training hours and assessments are as follows:
Week 1-3
Theoretical training -08h30 to approx. 15h30
Practical training – 08h00 to approx. 17h00
This programme aims to equip the individual with all the skills necessary to be a successful guide. Do the course in your own time and your own pace.
Course Fee R5600.00
Payment Structure
R2000 – Deposit
R2000 – Before assessment
R1600 – Before certification
CAOGS is accredited to facilitate RPL
(Recognition for Previous Learning)
RPL applies to people who have current/recent industry or occupation-based experience a minimum of two years, which places them at the same level as academically trained candidates.
Their experience will be accredited as training.
Applicants will be assessed to see if they qualify for RPL.
Successful applicants will then receive RPL recognition and qualify as tourist guides.
R4000 Deposit R3000 to secure booking.
Self-study & Research at home.
Once qualified as a tourist guide, you can expand your guiding area by qualifying for the various regions or provinces of SA.
Fee: R500
A special rate is available for tourist guides who have qualified with the Cape Academy of Guiding Services for the Western Cape (this includes the Garden Route/Western Cape).
Fee: R400